I always ask my clients a few questions at the start of their investment journey:
-If you started today, how well could you retire in 10, 20, 30 years?
-What lifestyle will you enjoy?
-Will income be a curse or a blessing?
-Will the taxman be a problem or a memory?
-Will you own a second home for those bad weather months?
-Will your income be tax sheltered and/or tax-free?
-Will your Social Security check be your monthly walking around cash?
Honestly and objectively answer all these questions. Your answers will determine the actions you take today.
An Investment Plan
If you’re like most Americans, you didn’t like your answers to those questions. Maybe you didn’t even know how to answer. It’s okay. I’m here to tell you that there is still time to earn the retirement you want.
But, you’ll need a solid plan.
Actions taken while following a solid plan are like positive financial dominoes falling against each other, one at a time, building to your preordained result — an abundant retirement.
Sounds good, right? Your first move is to begin a conversation with me to get your retirement ball rolling.
-Howard Abell, Investment Expert